Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sticky Metro by Calvin Klein

'What does the title of this blog mean?' you may ask yourself... Well, when you take the world's 6th largest metro everyday, you see some interesting things. Recently, I smelled a not-so-interesting thing, B.O. When I searched around for the source, I found a shirt reading: "Lust for Glory". BINGO. And he was looking at me like I had a problem. I dislike the metro. I guess it's part of the experience???

This past weekend, a few of us traveled to Sevilla. Luckily, my first hostel experience was great! AND I got free breakfast. Sevilla was very pretty and I saw many things including: La Catedral de Sevilla, La Giralda, Torre de Oro, Plaza de Toros de la Maestranza, the Alcazar, the Plaza de España and a flamenco show. My favorite was the Alcazar. It was so pretty and cool to think about the royal family living there. The current king, Juan Carlos, still stays there when he visits Sevilla!

My birthday is on Thursday and I asked our host mom for recommendations. A nice place to make reservations for dinner would have been great. However, she recommends a drag queen bar and a place with "chicos sensuales"! So tomorrow night a group of us are going to a drag queen bar called Gula Gula. I'm excited! (check it out on the internet, looks fun!) Fun pictures to come soon!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Una semana se hace

Tonight for dinner I ate a large steak, eggs, french fries, and bacon. (oh yeah, bread on the side) Where's the fruit?! How bout them vegies?! They eat ridiculous here. I am now going to ask my host mom where the scale is. Yesterday we went to Segovia. I took so many cool pictures that seemed out of one on those super cool history movies we used to watch in class ;) This morning I went to Rastro which is an outdoor flea market on Sundays. It was very big and fun to see all the stands and roads full of people. This evening we went to the Real Madrid retirees soccer game vs. Germany. They killed them! Although it wasn't a real game, it was the closest I could get to the real deal. I can only imagine how crazy it gets for them. Tomorrow is class.. woopie! One week down, 5 more fun weeks to go!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Es como una carrera en el Parque de Retiro

I have now experienced the legendary tapas in Spain. Beware: for any interested travelers... if you order a drink, you may be handed two plates full of a mountain of bread, cheese (possibly fried), potato wedge/chips, and pork variety. (And how do I not gain weight?) Needless to say, Kara and I ran in Retiro today. After the locals made us look crazy for asking where an apparently non-existent street was to find a running buddy, we found it, and our buddy! No, I am not crazy contrary to many people's beliefs eh? ;) We have also started classes. Yes, we are taking classes. But be jealous, my food and culture class entails walking around the streets of Madrid learning its history from our profesora and wandering into markets, cafes, pastelerias, or bars to try the food and drinks courtesy of our school! However, we must understand more than 50% of what our teachers are saying in order to understand our class. This is somewhat difficult when our teachers are talking at Guinness World Record speed. But it is a challenge I am committed to! Here is a picture in Retiro in La Rosaleda...