Monday, May 30, 2011

El segunda día

Waking up to "Crazy in Love" by Beyonce is awesome. Today we had orientation at Universidad Nebrija. Just like school in the US: participation, papers, exams, and yes, those wretched oral presentations. BUT, our teachers talk reeeeeally fast! And, they made it clear that to yawn or show any signs of being tired is bad mannered and they don't want to see it. (That should be interesting) The man in charge is very passionate about Purdue students and the program. His whole family has been at Purdue for roughly 30 years and has chosen to stick with our program becasuse he loves helping us grow and have great experiences. (We must be extra special or something) I am super excited about the food and culture class Kara and I are taking. I love food, so it's fitting. After the orientation and tour of the University, they served us lunch. Mini salmon sandwiches, cheese, baguette, carne, and chorizo. Oh, and sangria! We were planning to explore the Parque Retiro afterwards, but decided that a nap was necessary so we took the metro back. On the way, I found the greatest thing I have seen yet. A poster of Nadal in the metro. Heaven. I screamed until Kara saw it and we took our picture with him. Next step, see him in real life.(We were so American) After such excitement, it was time for a long nap. Tonight we are exploring the tapas bars. Beer and food=goodness.

El primer día

Those of you that know me well, know that I love my sleep. Sooo.. not sleeping on the megabus or the plane turned out to be really painful. But we took a quick siesta after meeting our host family: Alfonso, Esperanza, and Sofia. Esperanza and Sofia ironically love American music. It is playing all the time in our 5 bedroom condo! We took some time to learn the metro, rode the La Puerta del Sol and got off to find many protestors in the Center! The architecture is amazing and there are bars, tapas, shopping, and cafes everywhere! We have a lot of exploring to do! We also walked to Plaza Mayor which was beautiful. However, we ran across some strange "performers": woman in a lamb/donkey and tinsel costume (who was not very nice), three men with there Halloween-painted faces on a table, and a headless man! We decided to end our day there and came back for some much-needed dinner and sleep ;) (look closely, he has NO head!)

Sunday, May 29, 2011